Videoaufnahme vom Brautpaar und den Hochzeitsgästen für meine Webseite und Social Media freigegeben. Ich singe für das Brautpaar ihren Lieblingssong.
Please click on the CD cover to see the streaming or
download plattforms of the album or song.
Album GUNVOR That's life (synphonic orchestra)
Album GUNVOR 001 (a tribute to James Bond)
Album GUNVOR Dance School
Happy Birthday in 20 styles
From A to Z (double album)
We wish you a merry Christmas JAZZ
Dance under the
All I want for
Christmas is you
Be the change
(anti bullying song)
ALL UNITE - in favor of UKRAINE victims
Cover from Sam Smith
"Writings on the wall"
Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung!
With many thanks for your support!
Wishing you a nice summer.
Herzlichst / Sincerely,
August 2024